Morrocan Mint Tea & Tin

Morrocan Mint Tea & Tin


The Product

This tea showcases our Great Grandfather with his whole family. This would have been considered an exotic tea, served sweet in the afternoon.

This product comes with 1 tea tin and 1 package of tea.

Tea Characteristics

A unique blend of green tea and mint, creates a delicious and flavuorful tea. Also known as Maghrebi mint tea, this tea is first put in the teapot and boiling water is added, after a minute sugar is added. Approximately five teaspoons of sugar for one teaspoon of tea leaves is typical. Traditionally, the tea is served three times.

The amount of time it has been steeping gives each of the glasses of tea a unique flavour, described in this famous Maghrebi proverb: The first glass is as gentle as life, the second is as strong as love, the third is a bitter as death.

Luxury Ingredients

Gunpowder green tea, peppermint, and spearmint.

Brewing Instructions

Pour 7-9 oz freshly boiled water over 1 tsp of tea. Steep 3-7 mins. Sugar to taste.

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